Sounds like words you hear from hippies or a beauty pageant contestant, right? While that may be true, these words are also key words in the description of a Libra (no need to describe me in this blog, read the link!). I am not into tarot cards, psychics, or astrology as a whole or as a way to live my life, but I do read horoscopes and descriptions of the signs once in a while just out of curiosity. I simply find it interesting. I hardly believe that we are bound to a life of, in my case, of indecisive-ness and an endless search for balance and beauty. We are all individuals and can control the aspects of our personalities and how we interact with others on a day to day basis.
Here's my belief: I choose who I am. I have been given the ultimate gift of free will by God. While He created me and had an idea of who He wanted me to be, he also gave me the choice to go His way or mine/the world's. Perhaps, being born under the alignment of different stars and planets may have influenced aspects of my personality, how am I to know? Maybe that was all part of His plan. I won't know until I move on to Heaven and ask Him myself. However, I do know that I didn't read anything about zodiac signs or the description of a Libra until late in high school and I was amazed at how much it described aspects of my personality! However, I didn't use that to say, "Oh, that's just who I am destined to be." I simply said, "AHHHH....interesting."
For me, seeing my personality described so accurately in hard copy has helped me to recognize the positives and negatives. I don't think any of us are locked into being "gullible or easily influenced" or "indecisive and changeable"---a few negative descriptions of a Libra. We choose to grow or stay stagnant. Personally, I want to continue to blossom and nurture new buds of personal growth. I am on a constant quest of becoming who GOD ultimately wants me to be, not what some astrologer says I should be b/c I was born on October 16, 1978.
Anonymous said...
I am a Libran too! They say libran are trustworthy, honest and balance (of course, its a scale)
I read horoscopes everyday, I find it interesting too. I can incorporate everyday happenings into it but i chose not too coz i know life is boundless....
Indeed, you were born on a specific date and with a compilation of specific genes. How much do you think personality is based on genetics and environment? I'm all about the cosmos guiding me through life. I believe my brain is made of stardust and not DNA. Just kidding :). P.S. Your site is really neat.
We are not ruled by the stars, rather, we rule the stars.
I agree with all the comments. As a piece of God, I would like to seek His purpose for me and enjoy the journey using my choices. Faith and Joy are two of my favorite companions.
I am a Libran too! They say libran are trustworthy, honest and balance (of course, its a scale)
I read horoscopes everyday, I find it interesting too. I can incorporate everyday happenings into it but i chose not too coz i know life is boundless....
Indeed, you were born on a specific date and with a compilation of specific genes. How much do you think personality is based on genetics and environment? I'm all about the cosmos guiding me through life. I believe my brain is made of stardust and not DNA. Just kidding :). P.S. Your site is really neat.
We are not ruled by the stars, rather, we rule the stars.
I agree with all the comments. As a piece of God, I would like to seek His purpose for me and enjoy the journey using my choices. Faith and Joy are two of my favorite companions.
it's refreshing to see someone blog who isn't being fatalistic about their life. thanks!
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