Friday, April 14, 2006
Let's Face It..I Need Change
I can't stand being in the same place, same routine, same anything, for that matter, for too long. I gotta have change. It's a wonder I have been with my husband 9 years (married 5 of them). Not saying he's boring, I just have a habit of needing to change things up once in a while. I'm not ADD or anything, but I get so bored when things become stagnant. I don't even paint my walls anything but neutral b/c I know if I do, I'm stuck with it. Paint 'em neutral than I can change the things around it. I think it's genetic. My grandmother is the queen of changing the decor and furniture arrangement in her house. Good thing none of us are blind, her house would be a health hazard for us.

A 9-5, 5 day a week job would definitely not work for me. I like being in the position I'm in and having complete control over my schedule. I like change so much that not only am I able to change the days I work however I want, I work on different floors each time I'm there. Keeps it exciting and interesting. Maybe one day I'll have a routine. I suppose I really do, I have a routine of being non-routine.

So, that being said, it should come as no surprise that I changed my template...again. I actually changed it twice tonight. The first change had a really cool graphic that drew me in, but that was really the only visually interesting part about it. I need visual stimulation. Yeah, I know that content is more important than appearance, but let's face it, the blog world is no different than the real world. The more attractive you are, the more attention you get.

I am still tinkering and tweaking. I know, the sidebar still says, "Insert Tagboard...." and I am waiting to find a cool tagboard or some other such thing to insert there. Well, once I learn how!
Be patient, stick around, slowly but surely I am learning. Hell...I finally learned how to insert my BLOGMAD button tonight and linking it to my referral code and not Photobucket!


Blogger Erin said...

Thanks for picking me as your renter! I hate working regular hours doing the same thing day after day, too.

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