Wednesday, April 26, 2006
No Drama Mammas Please...
I try to keep a positive outlook on life. I really do. Sometimes, however, my self pity gets the best of me and I am down in dumps, for whatever reason. I know my life isn't all that bad and I actually have it pretty easy. Perhaps that's the reason why I have a hard time coming up with posts sometimes.

I don't invite drama in life. Never really have. I have never been in the "he said-she said" crowd and really don't know what to do when I do have a dramatic moment. It's like I'm stunned and think to myself, "If I don't move, it won't see me and will pass right by." I just don't need a crisis in my life in order to feel important. I have watched many friends of mine create drama on purpose in order to have something going on in their lives. Oye thanks!

I have noticed, in my blog surfing, that posts revolving around drama get the most attention. Makes sense, right? Soap operas have been around as long as they have for a reason, right? Can you imagine living a soap opera life? I think I would be 500 pounds just from all the stress eating!

Eh, whatever, I will just have to keep writing on my little life that I have carved here on the coast of South Carolina and hope that someone appreciates what I am sharing!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so right. Since I started looking at blogs (other than pet blogs) i can't believe the things people write and the people who comment like they are so sympathetic to the plight. I'm wondering if I am missing something about life. :)

Blogger Joan said...

I try not to obsess about other people's blogs. Mine is pretty ho-hum most of the time; but it is an outlet for me.

My thursday 13 are posted. I'll come back and see yours later.

Blogger Unknown said...

Just wanted to thank you for your comment on my blog. That was such encouraging advice you gave!

As for your post, I agree with you about the drama. I have tendency to get into all sorts of situations because I'm a little crazy, but to be honest, I'm much happier and more content when I lead a drama-free life :). And I try as much as I can to avoid hanging out with people who seek drama because their drama sorts creates drama in my own life.

Don't worry about what other people think. If anything, blog for yourself. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters!

Blogger Norma said...

Chana--you've noticed the same thing I've been thinking about. But I see that in real life too. Sometimes I see people getting 50+ comments and I look and read and just don't get it. But you've nailed it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I so hear you! Very good point....

And I am a dork -- just realized you have comment moderation on, duh! Sorry for the double comments on your T-13. :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right that the blogs that get the most attention are drama blogs. Recently, I've come across a lot of blogs where people are really depressed (especially young teenage girls), and the postings are entirely about how depressed they are over losing a boyfriend or not getting the attention they want. What ends up happening is that the drama queens all bond and support each other by commenting on each others' blogs. I don't like these blogs as much.

On the other hand, there is also a lot of audience following blogs with positive messages, such as Steve Pavlina's blog. I guess there is no middle ground, people either like to read about extreme sadness or extreme happiness.

Blogger FashionedLouise said...

So true.

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