Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Cole vs. Car..Cole wins
I am letting my "son" guest blog here tonight. I have 2 Great Danes..see them here. I do not have 2 legged children, nor do I intend to, so my two boys and my 5 cats are my furkids and my world!

I had a scary day today. No, it wasn't about me for once, and I didn't have to visit the vet, but Cole did. First some background....As you all know, Mom, Dad, Cole, and I are housesitting for my grandparents. The house is the second house on a very non-busy cul-de-sac. We are surrounded by marsh, a bird sanctuary, and undeveloped house lots. The only traffic we get is from cars turning around in the cul-de-sac or some boaters heading down the dirt road to the landing. Cole and I enjoy our off the leash walks every morning and afternoon when we are there.Well, today, Mom was still sleeping (b/c she worked last night and had to again tonight) and Dad came home from work at 4 and took us on our walk. We went out the garage and there was a dog across the street that Cole just had to go say "hi" to. Well, bad timing, b/c there was a car coming also. She had no chance to stop and wound up hitting Cole. The lady walking the other dog told Dad, "She wasn't going that fast, " and the lady who hit him stopped to see if he was ok. He got up and limped over to Dad and he had some blood coming from his butt and a cut on his leg. Dad rushed into the house, told Mom, and loaded Cole into the truck. As dad was loading him into the car, the lady that hit Cole came back to the house, pulled into the driveway behind the truck, and said, "I just wanted you to see that I have a dent in my car and my husband will probably want it fixed." Mom was outside getting me in the house by that time and you should've seen the look on her face! I think it took all her patience to keep her mouth shut. Dad calmly said, "Ok, whatever, we will be here to the end of the week", she left, and Dad continued on to the vet and had to leave him there for evaluation.An hour later, the vet called and said Cole's x-rays were fine, the blood from his rectum was from a really bad scrape, his laceration was stapled, and his only worrisome injury was that he was peeing blood. Could be a ruptured bladder, but he seemed to be holding urine in it and wuld probably be ok. He stayed a little longer for eval and Dad went at 6:30 to pick him up. By that time he was enjoying his pain medicine and his urine had cleared up. He is home with me, sleeping soundly. He has a bandage to his leg and his booty looks raw, but I am glad he is here with me and screw that woman's car being fixed, my brother needs fixing first!


Blogger The Catapillar said...

Just stopped by from Mr. Eccentric :).

BTW, I have a friend who shows and breads Great Danes. They are awesome!

come by anytime.

Blogger Donna said...

Here Via BM. I'm glad to hear that Cole is ok, and yeah screw that lady's car...this time put another dent in it, but with your foot haha. I enjoy reading the stories about the Pooches!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww poor Cole. But glad it isn't too serious. Thing is, even after something like this, they never seem to learn.

Blogger Erin said...

I'm so glad that your boy is okay. Scary. And that lady sounds like an awfully unfeeling person, to think about her car above your dog. Ugh. Some people.

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